
User Guide


Add todo

Adds a todo item to the list


todo <desc>

Example of usage:

todo read book

Add deadline

Adds a deadline to the list with its associated deadline

(Optional: deadline time)


1. deadline <task> /by <YYYY-MM-DD of deadline>

2. deadline <task> /by <YYYY-MM-DD of deadline> <HH:mm>

Note: Input time in 24h format

Example of usage:

  1. deadline finish homework /by 2020-02-20

  2. deadline finish homework /by 2020-02-20 18:05

Add event

Adds an event to the list with its associated event date

(Optional: event start time and/or event end time)


1. event <desc> /at <YYYY-MM-DD of event>

2. event <desc> /at <YYYY-MM-DD of event> <start HH:mm>

3. event <desc> /at <YYYY-MM-DD of event> <start HH:mm> to <end HH:mm>

Note: Input time in 24h format

Example of usage:

  1. event friend's birthday /at 2020-02-20

  2. event friend's birthday /at 2020-02-20 16:00

  3. event friend's birthday /at 2020-02-20 16:00 to 20:00

Mark as done

Marks item(s) on the list as done


done <indices of item(s) to mark as done>

Example of usage:

  1. done 2 (marks the 2nd item as done)

  2. done 1 3 4 (marks the 1st, 3rd, and 4th items as done)

delete item

Deletes item(s) from the list


delete <indices of item(s) to delete>

Example of usage:

  1. delete 2 (deletes the 2nd item)

  2. delete 1 3 4 (deletes the 1st, 3rd, and 4th items)

Display list

Displays the list of todo, deadline, and event items

(Optional: /showtimer or /hidetimer option to toggle countdown timer to the deadline or event)


1. list

2. list /showtimer

3. list /hidetimer

find an item

Searches for an item on the list


find <keyword(s)>

Example of usage:

  1. find play

  2. find read book

Call for /help

Displays the list of commands

